Pool safety fences make your back yard a safer place for everyone, including your dog! Did you know that according to the CDC, drowning results in more deaths for children aged 1-4 than any other cause except birth defects? Wow, that is a scary statistic.
Pool barrier gates significantly slow down a childs progression toward the swimming pool without your knowledge. Having a pool fence installed around your swimming pool gives parents, grandparents and any caregivers an extra few moments to realize a child is missing and search for them. NOTE – If your child wanders off, ALWAYS check the swimming pool first!
Sadly, we live in a litigious society these days and as a homeowner you have to think about the safety of your family and any visitors to your home. Having a pool isolation fence can greatly reduce your liability as a homeowner.
Unfortunately, we all hear the stories on the news in the summer about a neighborhood child or a friend visiting a home who gains access to the back yard swimming pool and drowns. Pool Guard of Dallas/Fort Worth can help prevent the horrible stories and you as homeowners can help by installing a pool barrier fence and gate around your pool. Don’t add to the drowning statistics, help change the statistics for the better!